Ed Edited It Productions

Chris Chaudruc, Senior Principal Success Specialist

In a world where Project Managers can be invested partners or simple note-takers – Ed is an invested partner who takes the time to understand business goals and to drive his team to deliver the right experience. I have a nick-name for him – “Value Edded” because he has been a “value added” partner in the success of the PartsDirect business. His multi-media and development experience helps Ed to understand the end-to-end implementation of complex user interactions.

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What other People Are Saying

Scot Yonan, Director, Instructional Design

Ed’s a rare breed in our world. Ed understands not only how to create professional media, he also understands how to make instructionally-bulletproof content. Ed’s vision is exciting and infectious, and his ability to project manage complex projects made him invaluable to us. Ed sees a larger picture and is without question the most dependable person I’ve worked with in creating cutting-edge media objects that add value to the organization. Ed’s consistently my first choice in media and is by far more desirable to work with than much, much higher-priced competition at extremely prestigious colleges and universities (which is my business). I consider Ed’s consistent stand-out performance to be a joy and will always lean on his expertise to set up and manage my media. Testimonial Provided via LinkedIn

Deborah Bergin, Educator

Ed is a highly-motivated individual who takes pride in his work. He is both technically savvy and creative, and he dedicates himself to any task thrown his way. His consistently meets or exceeds deadlines, and is always open to helping others and answering any questions they have. It was a pleasure working with Ed for over three years, and I highly recommend him. Testimonial Provided via LinkedIn