Ed Edited It Productions

John Sidman, Vice President of Sales, Strategic and Aftermarket

For the past 8 years I have had the pleasure of working with Ed as a product manager. Ed is an innovative thinker who looks to understand client/industry needs as he develops new products or product enhancements. He has the ability to build strong relationship both internally and externally. His knowledge and experience with data and consumer online behavior make him a valuable asset to our product team. He consistently asks for feedback on projects to ensure that what’s being developed will provide value for the industry. I would highly recommend him both personally and professionally.

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What other People Are Saying

Jayne Spottswood, UX Architect / Designer

Ed and I worked together on the PartsDirect team at Sears, where he was the Project Manager, and I was on the UX team. Ed was a fount of information about the release process, project needs, and stakeholders, and he was instrumental in my being comfortable within the team and organization. Ed also always maintained a positivity and professionalism that made working with him an absolute pleasure. He would be a tremendous asset to any organization, and I’ve missed working with him greatly! Testimonial Provided via LinkedIn

Robert Angone, Creative Director

Ed is not shy, and proved to be a great oral leader in managing expectations between the UX, BU and development leads during yearly planning. He’s also great at being flexible- when the data reveals a discovery that mandates a shift Ed helps move the team forward by utilizing his insight and clear head. Always prepared, Ed continues to prove himself as a great partner to me and one of our best Senior Managers… Testimonial Provided via LinkedIn

Kirsten (Lynch) Von Busch, Product Management | Product Marketing | Sales Enablement

I had the opportunity to work alongside Ed Przyzycki as a product manager for several years. We collaborated on a number of product projects and go to market plans and Ed was a thorough and conscientious product manager. His background and experience as both a developer and SCRUM master give him a wider frame of refence to the entire AGILE process and allowed him to better empathize and respond to team members needs and concerns. His calm, competent and confident delivery was always appreciated. His attention to detail was impeccable; he’s a valuable asset to any team. Testimonial Provided via LinkedIn